
Professionisti per la Promozione e Protezione dei Diritti Fondamentali

“I diritti individuali non sono soggetti al voto pubblico; una maggioranza non ha diritto di votare per togliere i diritti di una minoranza; la funzione politica dei diritti è precisamente quella di proteggere le minoranze dall'oppressione delle maggioranze (e la più piccola minoranza sulla terra è l'individuo).”

Ayn Rand

person holding multicolored flag
person holding multicolored flag
person's hand splat painting


Per garantire a tutti la possibilità di difendersi

A group of people participate in a protest in front of a large, historic building with columns, possibly a government building. Many hold signs with various messages advocating human rights. A prominent sign in the foreground reads 'We Are All Humans' in both English and Spanish. The atmosphere suggests a peaceful demonstration.
A group of people participate in a protest in front of a large, historic building with columns, possibly a government building. Many hold signs with various messages advocating human rights. A prominent sign in the foreground reads 'We Are All Humans' in both English and Spanish. The atmosphere suggests a peaceful demonstration.
Per le persone

La consulenza legale che informa e trasforma
ogni cittadino in un protagonista consapevole e attivo.

a large building sitting on the side of a river
a large building sitting on the side of a river
Per le imprese

Perché, per poter proteggere,
bisogna sapere come farlo.


Pronti ad accogliere ogni domanda o proposta

a woman wearing a white dress and a red headband
a woman wearing a white dress and a red headband


Scegli quale idea portare avanti

A vibrant mural painted on the exterior wall of a building. The mural features bold graphics and text related to social justice and civil rights. It includes an image of a person using a large video camera, surrounded by various text excerpts about rights and justice. The words 'KNOW YOUR RIGHTS' are prominently displayed on the mural. The artwork is a mix of colorful geometric shapes and monochrome drawings of people.
A vibrant mural painted on the exterior wall of a building. The mural features bold graphics and text related to social justice and civil rights. It includes an image of a person using a large video camera, surrounded by various text excerpts about rights and justice. The words 'KNOW YOUR RIGHTS' are prominently displayed on the mural. The artwork is a mix of colorful geometric shapes and monochrome drawings of people.
Investi in ciò in cui credi

Facciamo la differenza, insieme.

grayscale photo of man and woman holding their hands
grayscale photo of man and woman holding their hands


Prendi parte a qualcosa di grande

A black and white poster is taped to a pole, containing text about ways to help social justice causes. The poster mentions donating to various funds, signing petitions, getting educated on issues, and using personal privilege to speak up.
A black and white poster is taped to a pole, containing text about ways to help social justice causes. The poster mentions donating to various funds, signing petitions, getting educated on issues, and using personal privilege to speak up.
Network di professionisti

Il potere di mettersi in gioco per vedere soluzioni.

A child is seated in front of a large poster advocating against gender-based violence, with a message promoting safety for women and children. The child holds a lit lantern and is wearing casual clothing. The setting appears to be in a public area with subdued lighting.
A child is seated in front of a large poster advocating against gender-based violence, with a message promoting safety for women and children. The child holds a lit lantern and is wearing casual clothing. The setting appears to be in a public area with subdued lighting.